Legislative Advocacy Partners Program

Your Hospital, Your Voice. Be Heard.
Our political system is dependent upon an informed, engaged electorate. Healthcare has become a significant component of our economy and government budgets. It is important to look beyond media headlines and sound bites to see how policy decisions at the state and federal levels impact our local community.
That’s why MDI Hospital invites you to become a Legislative Advocacy Partner. Our goal is to bring the issues directly to you and objectively break them down to show how they affect our friends and neighbors and our community Hospital Organization. Our partners meet three or four times a year for Advocacy Breakfasts with our President/CEO Art Blank. These breakfasts are a place to discuss current legislative issues that affect how our Hospital provides care on Mount Desert Island. We also send periodic updates on the status or progress of active legislation. On occasion we may ask you to voice your opinion directly with our elected officials to ensure they know what is important to their constituents.
Please consider partnering with us to cut through the rhetoric and find out how your action can help shape the future of health care in our community.
MDI Hospital Advocate Registration
MDI Hospital
MDI Hospital
10 Wayman Lane
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
207 288-5081
At Mount Desert Island Hospital, we provide comprehensive care for you and your family through our hospital in Bar Harbor and a network of health centers across Mount Desert Island.