Breast Health Center in Bar Harbor

Founded in 2003

Breast Imaging Center of Excellence

Personal, compassionate care for women along the entire spectrum of breast health, in a calm and inviting atmosphere

Comprehensive, state-of-the-art breast imaging

Full range of diagnostic screenings for early detection of breast cancer

Now offering the Genius™ 3D Mammography exam

MammoPad cushion ensures maximum comfort during screenings

Diagnostic mammograms available by referral

Screening mammograms available by appointment, no referral necessary

Breast Health Center
10 Wayman Lane
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
207 288-8435

Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm

  • Breast Ultrasound
  • Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI)
  • Enhanced Diagnostic Screenings
  • Full-Field Digital Mammography
  • Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy
  • Upright Stereotactic Biopsy
  • Nurse Navigator Program
  • Self-Referral Facility

“The compassionate staff answered my questions and prepared me emotionally – they were nurturing and extremely caring. It’s a comfort to know we have high-tech services at the Breast Health Center – I didn’t have to travel far and didn’t have to wait over a week for results.”

Margaret Ashmore


We are the only Breast Imaging Center of Excellence in Downeast Maine, and one of only eight in the entire state. In addition to digital mammography, the Center of Excellence status puts a gold star on other types of imaging procedures including breast ultrasound, ultrasound-guided biopsy and stereotactic breast biopsy. These minimally invasive technologies offer women a shorter recovery time, reduced pain compared to surgical biopsies, and minimal scarring. In each of these procedures, our team has undergone specialized training and education to ensure the highest standard of care for our patients.

We’re proud to offer the Genius™ 3D Mammography exam that provides better, earlier breast cancer detection for our patients. 3D Mammography is the gold standard for early detection for women across a variety of ages and breast densities and is the only mammogram approved by the FDA as superior for women with dense breasts compared to 2D alone. Because of its increased accuracy, 3D mammography also reduces the number of visits needed, which in turn reduces radiation overall. The 3D exam takes about the same amount of time as a 2D exam – a 3.7 second scan time – and the positioning is the same. The real difference is in the information available to the doctor.

At the Breast Health Center, breast exams are performed by MammaCare trained and certified nurses. This evidence-based training was supported by the National Cancer Institute and is considered the gold standard to optimize the tactile skills needed to detect suspicious lesions from normal breast tissue.

No other healthcare entity in Hancock or Washington counties has such a comprehensive approach. We are the region’s only breast center with MammaCare-trained and certified nurses performing clinical breast exams, and with a nurse navigator on staff, who guides patients as they consider the range of options and answers questions related to breast health and cancer treatment. Since 2012, our nurse navigators have worked closely with women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, offering profound emotional support both inside and outside our clinic setting.