Celebrating 36 Years Of Providing Quality Care To Our Community’s Patients. Join us in the celebration as we thank Dr. O. Lee Haynes for dedication to our community’s patients!
Bring a dish and a story to share for this special Potluck Open House. Presentation at 6:00 pm. As parking is limited on High Street, shuttle bus service will be provided every 15 minutes from the MDIH Parking Lot (by the Cooper Gilmore Health Center Entrance) to the Masonic Hall. Non-alcoholic beverages and paper products will be provided.
In lieu of gifts, Dr. Haynes requests that donations be made to Local Solutions, c/o Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, P.O. Box 400, Bar Harbor, ME 04609. A donation box will be provided at this event.
Potluck Open House
Friday, July 20
5:00 – 7:30 pm
Masonic Hall
High Street Bar Harbor, Maine 04609