“Walks in the Park” December Schedule

Walks in the Park

– Mondays & Wednesdays –

Our walking program is designed for pleasure or fitness. We encourage you to pace yourself. MDI Hospital’s Wellness Program is not responsible for lost or stolen items, injuries or accidents. Our goal is to offer a safe and enjoyable activity for everyone. All walkers who are not currently exercising should consult with their health care provider before starting any exercise program.

Walking Group Details:

1. Walks Begin at 8:30AM
2. In case of inclement weather, cancellations will be determined by 7:30 am and program participants notified via email.
3. Things to Consider:
• Please wear appropriate shoes
• Dress in layers
• You may want to bring; water, snacks, insect repellent, camera
4. Group Limit: 20
5. To Sign Up, Contact: Mary Parham, Community Health Educator, 207.801.5034 or mary.parham@mdihospital.org

“Walks in the Park” Schedule:

Wednesday, November 27th
Sieur de Mont, Jesup Trail and the Great Meadow Loop. Meet at the Sieur de Mont parking area. 3.0 miles.

Monday, December 2nd
Little Long Pond. Meet at the parking area at the gate, across the street from the natural cobblestone seawall on the road. 4.0 miles.

Wednesday, December 4th
Witch Hole Pond. Meet at Duck Brook Bridge. 3.4 miles.

Monday, December 9th
Hadlock Brook Loop. Meet at the Brown Mountain Gate House Parking Area, just before Northeast Harbor. 3.9 miles.

Wednesday, December 11th
Eagle Lake to Bubble Pond. Meet at the Eagle Lake Parking Area, out and back.4.2 miles.

Monday, December 16th
Schooner Head Overlook. Park in the Overlook parking lot and walk out and back along Schooner Head Road towards Bar Harbor. 3.5 miles.

Wednesday, December 18th
Hadlock Brook Loop. Meet at the Brown Mountain Gate House Parking Area, just before Northeast Harbor. 3.9 miles.

*Monday, December 23rd
Wooded Loop. Meet in the lower, overflow parking lot for the Jordan Pond House.  3.5 miles.

Wednesday, December 25th
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 30th
Amphitheatre Loop. Park in the lot just north of Brown Mountain Gate House (one mile north of Northeast Harbor on Route 198). 5.2 miles.

MDI Hospital

MDI Hospital
10 Wayman Lane
Bar Harbor, ME 04609
207 288-5081

At Mount Desert Island Hospital, we provide comprehensive care for you and your family through our hospital in Bar Harbor and a network of health centers across Mount Desert Island.